Nature’s Complete Salt

Nature's Complete Salt

$5.30 | 2 fluid oz. spray

$10.60 | 8 fluid oz. spray

Great Tasting Alkalizing Seasoning
Contains 1/3 the Sodium of Table Salt
Great with Salads and any Cooked Dish

Nature’s Complete Salt offers all the taste of table salt, while providing a wholesome blend of other essential minerals. Unlike table salt which is sodium chloride, Nature’s Complete Liquid Salt also contains potassium, magnesium and other trace minerals.

Like any salt seasoning product, Nature’s Complete Liquid Salt is designed to be used in moderate doses. But unlike other products it acts as a nutrient for your entire body. For those on sodium restricted diets the Nature’s Complete Liquid Salt offer the same wonderful taste with less sodium. Nature’s Complete Liquid Salt can be used on fresh garden salads, popcorn and with any cooked dish.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.